Development of Framework for the Governance of WEFE Nexus in Jordan

The project is implemented under the program “Management of Water Resources in Jordan” funded by Germany (BMZ) via GIZ and co-funded by the EU. This support is gratefully acknowledged.

The Ministry of Water and Irrigation of Jordan is the major political partner of the project. It targets the following groups of stakeholders: general population and intermediaries, specialists, and executives of organizations in the water sector, especially the water authority (Water Authority of Jordan, WAJ) and water supply companies (WSC).

WEFE Nexus Approach refers to the understanding of how each of the water, energy food and environment sectors are related to each other and how this understanding can be used to make policy decisions that promote sustainable development.

This project aims to support the development of an innovative and integrative framework for governance of the Water-Energy-Food-Environment Nexus (WEFEN) for sustainable management of water, energy, and food resources in Jordan. This Framework will help to bring together experts from all four sectors to improve coordination and collaboration and encourage knowledge exchange among institutions.

This project is divided into three main stages; Stage I concentrated on Analyzing the governance and institutional frameworks and regional assessment. Stage II concentrates on analyzing the current situation of all WEFE sectors with focus on the institutional and policy context. Stage III include the development of a framework for integrated governance of the Water-Energy-Food-Environment management Nexus Assessment in Jordan. The output of this project is a Policy document with recommendations on structures and mechanisms of WEFEN governance.

In partnership with:
GJU logo
University of Jordan logo
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis logo