List of Publications

    H. Muhsen, A. Alkhraibat, and A. Al-Halhouli, “Real-Time Simulation and Energy Management Attainment of Microgrids,” Sustainability, vol. 15, no. 3, p. 2696, Feb. 2023, doi: 10.3390/su15032696.

    "The rapid spread of Microgrid systems has led to the need for an intensive analysis of the system to avoid several challenges such as stability, reliability, power balance, and other aspects. In this context, real-time simulation plays a vital role in the overall system study before the actual implementation stage. This helps avoid many on-site problems of the Microgrid by simulating the system and studying different operation scenarios. This paper uses the OPAL-RT simulator to perform a real-time simulation of an MG case study. Furthermore, it examines the implementation of the Fault Ride Through technique to overcome the total disconnection of the PV system following unpredictable faults. Moreover, a Load curtailment solution method is proposed in this study, to meet the balance and stable operation of the MG. The results prove the effectiveness of both techniques, with FRT implementation reducing the losses by about 62%, and the Load curtailment algorithm maintaining the balance of the MG."

    H. Muhsen, A. Allahham, A. Al-Halhouli, M. Al-Mahmodi, A. Alkhraibat, and M. Hamdan, “Business Model of Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading: A Review of Literature,” Sustainability, vol. 14, no. 3, p. 1616, Jan. 2022, doi: 10.3390/su14031616.

    "Peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading is a promising energy trading mechanism due to the deployment of distributed energy resources in recent years. Trading energy between prosumers and consumers in the local energy market is undergoing massive research and development, paying significant attention to the business model of the energy market. In this paper, an extensive review was conducted on the current research in P2P energy trading to understand the business layer of the energy market concerning business model dimensions: bidding strategies and the market-clearing approach. Different types of game theoretical-based and auction-based market-clearing mechanisms are investigated, including a detailed classification of auctions. This study considers the possibility of employing the P2P technique in developing countries and reviewing existing business models and trading policies. The business layer of the P2P structure plays a vital role in developing an effective trading mechanism based on interactive energy markets."

    Al-Quraan A, Al-Mahmodi M, Al-Asemi T, Bafleh A, Bdour M, Muhsen H, Malkawi A. A New Configuration of Roof Photovoltaic System for Limited Area Applications—A Case Study in KSA. Buildings. 2022; 12(2):92.

    "Increased world energy demand necessitates looking for appropriate alternatives to oil and fossil fuel. Countries encourage institutions and households to create their own photovoltaic (PV) systems to reduce spending money in electricity sectors and address environmental issues. Due to high solar radiation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), the government urges people and institutions to establish PV systems as the best promising renewable energy resource in the country. This paper presents an optimal and complete design of a 300 kW PV system installed in a limited rooftop area to feed the needs of the Ministry of Electricity building, which has a high energy consumption. The design has been suggested for two scenarios in terms of adjusting the orientation angles. The available rooftop area allowed to be used is insufficient if a tilt angle of 22o is used, suggested by the designer, so the tilt angle has been adjusted from 22o to 15o to accommodate the available area and meet the required demand with a minimum shading effect. The authors of this paper propose a modified scenario “third scenario” which accommodates the available area and provides more energy than the installed “second scenario”. The proposed panel distribution and the estimated energy for all scenarios are presented in the paper. The possibility of changing tilt angles and the extent of energy production variations are also discussed. Finally, a comparative study between measured and simulated energy is included. The results show that August has the lowest percentage error, with a value of 2.7%, while the highest percentage error was noticed in November."

    H. Muhsen, A. Allahham, A. Al-Halhouli, M. Al-Mahmodi, A. Alkhraibat, and M. Hamdan, “Business Model of Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading: A Review of Literature,” Sustainability, vol. 14, no. 3, p. 1616, Jan. 2022, doi: 10.3390/su14031616.

    "Peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading is a promising energy trading mechanism due to the deployment of distributed energy resources in recent years. Trading energy between prosumers and consumers in the local energy market is undergoing massive research and development, paying significant attention to the business model of the energy market. In this paper, an extensive review was conducted on the current research in P2P energy trading to understand the business layer of the energy market concerning business model dimensions: bidding strategies and the market-clearing approach. Different types of game theoretical-based and auction-based market-clearing mechanisms are investigated, including a detailed classification of auctions. This study considers the possibility of employing the P2P technique in developing countries and reviewing existing business models and trading policies. The business layer of the P2P structure plays a vital role in developing an effective trading mechanism based on interactive energy markets."

    H. Muhsen, A. Alkhraibat and H. ElMoaqet, "Competencies of Fault Ride Through in Microgrid Modeling: A Case Study," 2021 IEEE Jordan International Joint Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (JEEIT), Amman, Jordan, 2021, pp. 170-175, doi: 10.1109/JEEIT53412.2021.9634152.

    "Microgrid systems effectively integrate a generation mix of solar, wind, and other renewable energy resources. However, the unpredictable faults and power shortage cases contribute primarily to the unreliable operation of microgrid networks. Fault Ride Through is considered one of the vital techniques towards maintaining a reliable and efficient operation of the power systems under fault cases. This paper aims to investigate and study the Fault Ride Through capability for different Microgrid topologies. In this study, Microgrid and Fault Ride Through models have been built in order to study the behavior of this technique on keeping the installed renewable energy resources connected to the Microgrid system. Results emphasize the functional operation of the proposed Fault Ride Through technique and its impact on operational cost reduction by avoiding the PV interruptions. A losses reduction of about 38% of the output power of the PV system is achieved by applying the Fault Ride Through technique on the Microgrid system, compared to a total cut of the PV system in the case of the regular operation without Fault Ride Through. The implementation of this technique can lead to saving an operational cost of around 327317 $ per year."

    A. Al-Halhouli, H. Muhsen, "The methodology of insertion of Smart Grid and Grid Connected Systems in Education" report.

    "This report aims to identify relevant study programs of Smart Grid and Grid-Connected Renewable Energy resources in the beneficiary countries and institutes. The conducted surveys investigated the availability of the technology and applications of Smart Grid (SG) are present in these courses (modules). Moreover, these surveys have been carried out on the national level by all beneficiary partners. One of the conducted surveys was targeting stakeholders operating in energy fields (Universities, research centers, companies, public associations, ministries, and NGOs) to understand their knowledge and experience of smart grid systems further and explore new ways of incorporating this field of knowledge into university curriculums in the MENA region."

    A. Al-Halhouli, H. Muhsen, "Current Situation and Need for Smart Grid Education Program" report.

    "This report aims at scoping the current situation of the Smart Grid and grid-connected systems in the education programs in the MENA region. The report relies on the result of the students and academic staff surveys which have been published previously to evaluate the real needs in the MENA region with regards to Smart Grid. Also, this report can serve as a base to develop any future Workforce in the field, and it helps to understand better how comprehensive the Smart Grid programmers are regarding cover essential study areas. Accordingly, the topics The questions of the survey were targeting the knowledge of the participants about SG technology, the situation of SG courses in the different engineering programs, the availability of the SG as an independent major in the MENA universities, the existence of training centers, offering continuing professional development (CPD) courses, the current state of Smart Grid (SG) labs and supporting laboratories, the familiarity and the availability of SG software, the accessibility of E-learning platforms and the accreditation of E-learning education, and the presence of policies and regulations in regards to SG technology in the MENA region."

    A. Al-Halhouli, H. Muhsen, "Smart Grids Survey Report: Stakeholders" report.

    "This section is addressing the results of the published survey, which primarily aims at defining and investigating the presence and coverage of the Smart Grid and grid connected in MENA Regions. The survey was divided into seventeen questions to fulfill the aims of the study."

    A. Al-Halhouli, H. Muhsen, "Smart Grids Survey Report: Students" report.

    "This section is addressing the results of the published survey which primarily aims to present the availability of academic courses which are related to Smart Grid and grid-connected systems in the MENA region. Therefore, the survey was divided into twelve - questions to fulfill the aims of the study."

    A. Al-Halhouli, H. Muhsen, "Smart Grids Survey Report: University Staff (European Region)" report.

    "This section is addressing the results of the published survey, which primarily aims at defining and investigating the presence and coverage of the Smart Grid and grid connected in leading EU universities and training centers. The survey was divided into thirteen questions to fulfill the aims of the study"

    A. Al-Halhouli, H. Muhsen, "Smart Grids Survey Report: Universities Teaching Staff in (MENA Region)" report.

    "This section is addressing the results of the published survey, which primarily aims to present the availability of academic courses which are related to Smart Grid and grid-connected systems in the MENA region. Therefore, the survey was divided into sixteen questions to fulfill the aims of the study."

    Allahham, A., Muhsen, H., Rufa, N., Qandil, M., & Alhalhouli, A. (2023). Roadmap to Transit the Electrical Grid to a Secure Smart Grid: A Collaborative Approach for Regulatory and Governmental Reforms in the Kingdom of Jordan.

    "This policy paper explores various strategies that would facilitate transitioning the traditional Jordanian electrical grid to a secure smart grid. It includes comprehensive recommendations from academia and industry for the regulatory and governmental sector in Jordan to achieve specific roadmap objectives. As Jordan is heavily dependent on fossil fuels, This policy paper also provides recommendations for incorporating more renewables into its energy mix, thereby facilitating a sustainable future. The proposed policies will emphasise the creation of an enabling environment where innovation, research, and development initiatives flourish, thereby promoting private sector engagement."

    Muhsen, H.; Al-Mahmodi, M.; Tarawneh, R.; Alkhraibat, A.; Al-Halhouli, A. The Potential of Green Hydrogen and Power-to-X Utilization in Jordanian Industries: Opportunities and Future Prospects. Energies 2024, 17, 213.

    "Green hydrogen and power-to-X technologies hold significant potential in the global energy transition towards net-zero emissions. This is attributed to the premise that these technologies can decarbonize numerous sectors worldwide by providing versatile and sustainable energy carriers and industrial feedstocks to replace fossil-based fuels and chemicals. To this end, the qualitative benefits of green hydrogen and power-to-X technologies have been thoroughly examined for various applications in past years. In contrast, quantifying the potential penetration of such technologies on national and global levels still requires extensive research. Therefore, this paper investigates the prospective integration of green hydrogen and power-to-X technologies within Jordanian industries, considering their quantitative utilization potential for current and future capacities. The findings showed that the Jordanian food processing and heavy industries emerged as major sectors with substantial potential for incorporating green hydrogen and power-to-X products as alternative fuels or chemical feedstocks. In detail, the total potential utilization capacity for these sectors stood at around 57 thousand tons per year. Specifically, fertilizers production, cement industry, steel reforming, and oil refinery possess an annual potential capacity of around 6.8, 11.8, 12.7, and 25.8 thousand tons, respectively. It is also worth mentioning that the current utilization capacity of hydrogen in Jordanian industries was found to be around 8.9 thousand tons per annum, which is completely covered by fossil-based hydrogen to date. These results imply that there will be a promising market for green hydrogen and power-to-X utilization in Jordanian industries, which will play a significant role in integrated energy transition efforts in the future."

    Muhsen, Hani, Mohammad Alshawabkeh, Mohammed Al-Mahmodi, and Adel Ghanem. "Sensitivity analysis of electrodes spacing media for evaluating alkaline electrolyzer performance through CFD modeling." Renewable Energy Focus (2024): 100575.

    "Alkaline Water Electrolyzer (AWE) technology shows promising potential for shifting towards green hydrogen production. With the growing global interest in green hydrogen, understanding the dynamics of AWE systems becomes crucial to improving their performance. Therefore, this paper aims to provide a novel sensitivity analysis aspect to investigate the correlation within parameter variables associated with AWE's electrode separation media. These parameters include electrode-diaphragm gap, temperature, diaphragm thickness, and porosity, aiming to evaluate their impact on AWE current density. The methodology involves the development of a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model, conducting a parametric study, performing Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and sensitivity testing within specified parameter ranges. The findings show that diaphragm porosity has a considerable effect, especially between 15 % and 60% porosity, where the trend levels off at higher values. The electrode-diaphragm gap trend reveals a sensitive, nonlinear increase in cell current density as the gap decreases from its average, with a 75% decrease yielding over 100% higher current density, while adjustments beyond 10 mm have minimal impact on current density despite significant variations in other parameters. A 50% temperature rise increases current density by 40%, while a 50% diaphragm width reduction modestly boosts current density by around 10%. Understanding these sensitivities is vital for optimizing AWE's performance."

    Mohammed Al-Mahmodi, Musab Hamdan, Adib Allahham, Hani Muhsen, Makawi Diab Hraiz, Ala’aldeen Al-Halhouli, "Development of Peer-to-Peer platform and business model for Electricity Trading in Jordan" Recent Advances in Natural Resources, Mining and Future of Energy: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference and Exhibition for Science (ICES2023), College of Science, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, February 2023 (Volume 1)

    "Over the past years, the electricity market has been improved to maximize participants’ profits. One of the potential policies that enable prosumers and consumers electricity sharing within the microgrid is peer-to-peer electricity trading. This paper presents an energy trading platform that was created for the Jordanian context, along with a recommended business model to adapt the P2P technique in this developing country. The platform uses a test benchmark with certain transaction methodologies to encourage trading amongst the closest peers and disallow trading with the farther-off peers that might result in greater losses. The business model structure is presented, containing the three phases of the business model, which are the bidding phase, market clearing phase, and settlement phase. Further, a community-based market in which an aggregator monitors the transactions is proposed, and a trading platform for managing bidding, market clearing, and exchanging processing is also presented as the framework for the business model. For the purpose of examining the anticipated cost savings, this article introduced two scenarios with varying penetration levels. Since the cost of buying power from the grid is typically greater than that of buying it from a neighbor, this trading strategy optimizes players' earnings and results in lower losses. In the case study, the surplus electricity that has been shared is 13.13 MWh in the first scenario and 15.18 MWh in the second scenario, resulting in cost savings up to 33.3%."