List of Publications in 2018

    A. Al-Halhouli, H. Muhsen, "The methodology of insertion of Smart Grid and Grid Connected Systems in Education" report.

    "This report aims to identify relevant study programs of Smart Grid and Grid-Connected Renewable Energy resources in the beneficiary countries and institutes. The conducted surveys investigated the availability of the technology and applications of Smart Grid (SG) are present in these courses (modules). Moreover, these surveys have been carried out on the national level by all beneficiary partners. One of the conducted surveys was targeting stakeholders operating in energy fields (Universities, research centers, companies, public associations, ministries, and NGOs) to understand their knowledge and experience of smart grid systems further and explore new ways of incorporating this field of knowledge into university curriculums in the MENA region."

    A. Al-Halhouli, H. Muhsen, "Current Situation and Need for Smart Grid Education Program" report.

    "This report aims at scoping the current situation of the Smart Grid and grid-connected systems in the education programs in the MENA region. The report relies on the result of the students and academic staff surveys which have been published previously to evaluate the real needs in the MENA region with regards to Smart Grid. Also, this report can serve as a base to develop any future Workforce in the field, and it helps to understand better how comprehensive the Smart Grid programmers are regarding cover essential study areas. Accordingly, the topics The questions of the survey were targeting the knowledge of the participants about SG technology, the situation of SG courses in the different engineering programs, the availability of the SG as an independent major in the MENA universities, the existence of training centers, offering continuing professional development (CPD) courses, the current state of Smart Grid (SG) labs and supporting laboratories, the familiarity and the availability of SG software, the accessibility of E-learning platforms and the accreditation of E-learning education, and the presence of policies and regulations in regards to SG technology in the MENA region."

    A. Al-Halhouli, H. Muhsen, "Smart Grids Survey Report: Stakeholders" report.

    "This section is addressing the results of the published survey, which primarily aims at defining and investigating the presence and coverage of the Smart Grid and grid connected in MENA Regions. The survey was divided into seventeen questions to fulfill the aims of the study."

    A. Al-Halhouli, H. Muhsen, "Smart Grids Survey Report: Students" report.

    "This section is addressing the results of the published survey which primarily aims to present the availability of academic courses which are related to Smart Grid and grid-connected systems in the MENA region. Therefore, the survey was divided into twelve - questions to fulfill the aims of the study."

    A. Al-Halhouli, H. Muhsen, "Smart Grids Survey Report: University Staff (European Region)" report.

    "This section is addressing the results of the published survey, which primarily aims at defining and investigating the presence and coverage of the Smart Grid and grid connected in leading EU universities and training centers. The survey was divided into thirteen questions to fulfill the aims of the study"

    A. Al-Halhouli, H. Muhsen, "Smart Grids Survey Report: Universities Teaching Staff in (MENA Region)" report.

    "This section is addressing the results of the published survey, which primarily aims to present the availability of academic courses which are related to Smart Grid and grid-connected systems in the MENA region. Therefore, the survey was divided into sixteen questions to fulfill the aims of the study."