Will the produced hydrogen in Jordan be considered as a “Green” hydrogen?

Eng. Rahaf Ghanem March 1, 2023, 2:16 p.m.

What if the #renewable electricity plant that will be used for hydrogen production purposes is a grid- connected?

Based on the recently published Green Hydrogen Standards by the Green Hydrogen Organisation - GH2, green hydrogen is defined as “the hydrogen produced through electrolysis of water with 100% or near 100% renewable energy”

According to NEPCO, the renewable energy share in Jordan in 2022 was limited to 29% while the other is covered by fossil fuel.

During the time when no renewable electricity is generated, the electrolyzer’s needs of electricity will be covered by the utility grid. In this case, is it really considered as “green” hydrogen or it’s “yellow”?

Classifying such type of hydrogen depends on the following:

  • Whether if we are considering a “Net-zero emissions”.
  • Concluding Power Purchase Agreements (PPA)

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