Smart Grid Research team visit to CC4E Germany

Eng. Mohammed Al-Mahmodi Nov. 8, 2023, noon

The Smart Grid Lab research team recently conducted a visit to the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, specifically to explore the groundbreaking research conducted at the Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency Research Center (CC4E). The explored the latest developments in renewable energies, with a particular focus on Green Hydrogen. This visit was organized as part of the project 'Green Hydrogen and PtX University Students - Capacity Building for Jordan's Future Workforces,' funded by GIZ (German Society for International Cooperation).

Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, known for its commitment to academic excellence and innovation, hosts CC4E as a hub for cutting-edge research in renewable energies and energy efficiency. The center's expertise in Green Hydrogen aligns seamlessly with our mission to explore sustainable and forward-thinking solutions in the realm of smart grids.

As we return from this enriching experience, the Smart Grid Lab is poised to integrate the newfound knowledge into our ongoing and upcoming projects. The visit to Hamburg University of Applied Sciences and CC4E has also deepened our understanding of the pivotal role that smart grids can play in advancing the global transition to a more sustainable energy landscape.


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